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Staff Attendance Software: Assigning Management Roles

Staff Attendance Software: Assigning Management Roles  1. Site Manager Roles  a.         The staff attendance software allows managers to set different roles for people at different levels of management. the roles start with the site managers. Here, site manager should check reports from the site and offer instructions on the actions to be taken, directly from their computer and emails. b.       The site manager should ask for random Staff reports, directly from his computer. c.        If a staff is not at their position, then call the senior staff to take the report at the specific point. If the senior staff fails to respond, the site manager should send the team leader to take Staff report to the point and send report the management. d.       If the team leader fails penalties shall apply to the team leader and the case shall be handled by the staff attendance management system .. e.        The site manager should make a report on the conduct of the team leaders, senior

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